Know Before You Go: Five Ways to Have a Sane Airport Experience

5. Take Your Time. As long as it's not an emergency situation try and give yourself as much time as possible, not only to get to the airport, but in between flights as well. Layovers can be rough, but missing your flight because of delays is worse.

4. Enjoy Your Layovers. Use your layovers to finally beat your high score in Fruit Ninja, or start that book you always say you're going to read. If sitting around isn't your thing, try doing laps in the terminal, it's a great way to stretch your legs in between flights and it allows you to keep an eye on the board just in case your gate number changes.

3. Eat Fresh Foods. Don't just drink coffee in between flights. Grab an apple, or a salad with protein. If you're only eating the airplane food you're bound to be in a bad mood.

2. Wear Comfortable, Yet Stylish Clothes. No one is comfortable looking frumpy in public. Pick something layered, especially if you don't do well in drastic temperature changes, and don't be afraid to wear tight clothes (within reason of course) on your flight. My least favorite thing is trying to adjust my clothes in mid-flight. Even though this girl was recently criticized by a TSA agent for wearing this outfit for a flight I think it's the perfect thing for air travel, especially if you're going from hot to cold or cold to hot climates.

1. Mind Your Own Business. I know it sounds simple, but don't let other people's problems become your problems. Got a grumpy TSA agent, be thankful you're not working as a TSA agent. The lady in front of you is throwing a tantrum at the check in counter, put on a smile and thank the airline worker for their time. Unless your rights are being violated there's no reason to let other people's actions get to you. Modern travel is amazing and airlines have to put in an enormous amount of work to get each flight off the ground in one piece, on time, and according to government regulations. Just imagine if we all had to take ships instead.


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